Why Richly Colored Luxury Wedding Pocket Invitations Are Must Haves

Why Richly Colored Luxury Wedding Pocket Invitations Are Must Haves

Your wedding invitations give your guests the first glimpse of who you are as a couple, and if you don’t take advantage of color in your design, then you miss the opportunity to tell others about yourselves.

One subtle way to reflect your tastes is to use luxury design to offer insight into who you really are.

Luxury wedding pocket invitations can be a delightful way to show off not only your style, but also your personality. Their simple and practical design offers the organization you need for invitations because the inserts slide into the left-hand pocket and the wedding invitation itself sits on the right side, fastened with ribbon corners.

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The 6 Times in Life When You Need Luxury Couture Invitiations

The 6 Times in Life When You Need Luxury Couture Invitiations

Getting an invitation in the mail — or by personal delivery — can make a person’s day.

There’s something special about opening the mailing box and pulling out an invitation. Within the invitation box lies a luxury couture invitation, the kind that doesn’t arrive often, but when it does, it announces that something fantastic lies on the horizon.

Luxury couture invitations mark the most important events in your life, and you’ll want to invite your guests to your celebrations with these invitations at least six times in your life.

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Creating the Handcrafted Luxury Wedding Invitations of Your Dreams

Creating the Handcrafted Luxury Wedding Invitations of Your Dreams

Now that you’ve gotten engaged, you’ve probably already done it.

You have looked at mass-produced wedding invitations and decided that they are not for you. No wonder. Generally speaking, the paper is flimsy, the lettering is mass-printed, and the stock colors and designs are uninspiring. The invitations look like everyone else’s invitations, and don’t really reflect who you are as a person or the couple that two of you are.

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Wedding Invitation Inserts Demystified

Wedding Invitation Inserts Demystified

Since the day he asked you to marry him, you said yes to luxury wedding invitations.

The two of you poured dreamily of books of invitations, oohing over texture and cooing about embossing v. engraving. Then there was the night you opened a bottle of wine, and bookmarked every spectacular wedding invitation presented to you online.

And then someone asked you, what about your wedding invitation inserts? Most modern wedding invitations require inserts, and it’s likely that yours will, too.

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Cosmetic Bags That Create a Lifestyle

Cosmetic Bags That Create a Lifestyle

In seems like in this fast-paced world, everything you have must do double duty, and it should leave a minimal footprint on the Earth. Many of the cosmetics and other toiletries purchased today come in packaging that is a nightmare – either to use or to get rid of.

Modern lifestyles are about much more than the shrink-wrap our toiletries come in.

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Silk Bags You’ll Never Say No To

Silk Bags You’ll Never Say No To

Every perfect detail of your wedding is coming together. You picked out the most elegant wedding invitations, and they have been assembled, mailed, and acknowledged. You have the venue of your dreams, and your dress is inspirational.

The tiniest details are those that can be easily forgotten. By the time you do remember that you need a bag to carry with your wedding dress, it may be too late to come up with a solution. Instead, everything you need goes into a bridesmaid’s purse or your future husband’s pockets.

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Don’t Let Your Wedding Invitations Invite People to Your Home Unless This One Thing Is True

Don’t Let Your Wedding Invitations Invite People to Your Home Unless This One Thing Is True

You may still be reeling from the sticker shock that can come with trying secure a wedding venue. There’s no such thing as inexpensive, whether you want to rent a grand hall, a rustic retreat or just a simple room for a few friends and family.

Knowing that the first thing you must do is get your wedding invitations sent out, you may be tempted to resort to the easiest solution – a home wedding.

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Couture Silk Invitations Make the Event

Couture Silk Invitations Make the Event

It’s going to be the best event of the year, the one party everyone wants an invitation to, and those who miss out — either because they are unable to attend or they don’t receive an invitation — will be truly disappointed. This is the one time when everything detail of planning will come together — the food, the guest list, the music, the venue and the celebration itself.

After all, your high-end gala or luxury wedding deserves nothing less than the best.  Silk provides perfection for your invitations.

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