These Wedding Favors Capture the Moment

Set your wedding date, and you’ll see that there are a ton of details to take care of as well as people to make happy. Smart brides look for ways to delegate as much work as they can.

Between tastings, fittings and determining place settings, you have a lot on your hands, with little time in which to do it. One of the hardest things to decide on is what you’ll give your guests as a wedding favor. After all, it’s only proper to thank them for giving up their time to help you celebrate your wedding.

Traditionally, brides have given delectable morsels, packages of soap or flower seeds, monogrammed stemware as well as bottle openers and bottle stoppers for wedding favors.

There’s a way to capture all of the fun of the day, with little work on your part, and that’s with a photo booth. While some brides are opting for videography, the photograph still has its place at weddings, especially when those fabulous pictures of friends and family can be put together quickly as gifts for everyone.

Many professional photographers who set up photo booths bring an array of costumes and props, often coordinated with the theme of your wedding. Add guests, let them play in front of the camera and voila! — you’ll have a variety of funny and dramatic pictures to enjoy for years to come.

But don’t stop there; let your guests in on the fun by asking your photographer to create small flip books for everyone.

Flip book animation can be done quickly and on site if your photographer has the capability to capture the pictures from the photo booth, print and bind them in miniature books as wedding favors for your guests.

Depending on the number of guests at your reception, the photographer may be able to get all the favors printed before your guests leave. If you have quite a few guests, prioritize the list of recipients, giving the wedding favors first to those who live farthest away to minimize your postage.

Regardless of who receives their wedding favors first, be sure to have plenty of gift bags or boxes on hand. These containers not only protect your guests’ gifts at the reception or during mailing, but they also add a nice touch to the final product. From paper to luxury fabrics like satin or silk, you have ample choices among bags or boxes, colors and textures, especially when you shop at Dennis Wisser.

Imagine your weddings guests taking home the best pictures of the day because you chose to delegate this task to your photographer.

Best of all, with flip book animation wedding favors, you’ll also a have a gift from your guests that you too can cherish for many years to come.

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