How Necessary Are Your Wedding Favors?

With the big date looming large, there’s a lot to plan for before you get married. The to-do list seems to grow daily.

Not only do you have to decide on the date and venue of your ceremony, you have to get the invitations printed or embossed, stuffed and mailed to everyone on your guest list two months before the day of your wedding to give everyone time to make travel arrangements. You also have to pick a cake, decide on the flowers/videographer/music, write your vows, plan the wedding favors, find your dress . . . the list goes on and on.

Wait, wedding favors? Are they really necessary?

In short, the answer is no, but then again, none of the other items on your to-do list are absolutely necessary for getting married.

Your guests, however, are likely to feel otherwise.

The wedding favors you have selected for them are a perfect way to rekindle the memories of your wedding day. The gift bags or boxes with small treats are part of the plan you have put together to mark your wedding day as uniquely yours, just as much as your flowers, cake and dress are important symbols of your wedding.

By giving thought to the bags or boxes you select for your guests, you are putting the finishing touches on your reception. Favor bags for your wedding are a much appreciated way of saying thank you to the people who matter most in your life – those who have chosen to celebrate your new life.

Of course, you could place candy, nuts or other small treats on the tables for your guests, but the small gift itself is something they can take with them.

Some of the best wedding favors are bags that can be reused. Favorites among women include satin drawstring bags and silk envelopes that can later hold jewelry or travel size cosmetics, soaps and lotions. Even the men won’t mind using rugged bags or envelopes of hemp. Dennis Wisser has an array of styles and fabrics that are sure to please.

Filling the bags may seem like it could be an overwhelming task, but this is when you gather your gal pals for an afternoon or an evening of a little work and a whole lot of fun. Create an assembly line to fill each bag or box. You’ll find that zippy music, good food and lighthearted conversation will make the time go by quickly. Before you know it, the wedding favors will be ready to go.

The time you give of yourself in planning for and preparing these small thank-you gifts is time your guests will appreciate.

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