How To Stay Calm Before The Wedding: No Cold Feet

You are about to make a lifelong commitment to one person, at an event where all eyes will be on you as you do it.
Of course it is perfectly natural to feel a bit jittery and nervous as the big day approaches, but don’t let that spoil your moment. By practicing a few quick tips in the weeks leading up to your wedding, you will have no trouble making your way down that aisle with confidence and grace.

Plan Ahead – The wedding, and the days leading up to it, should be planned out well in advance to avoid any unpleasant surprises at the last minute. Keep a running check list of what needs to be done, and with each item that you mark off you should feel a sense of relief rather than panic.
Delegate – If you can’t afford a professional wedding planner, rely on the help of your family and friends. Bridesmaids and groomsmen are not just for show, they can be given specific responsibilities to help make the day go smoother. Put them in charge of the details, such as setting out your luxury wedding favor bags or checking to make sure that the caterer has brought enough champagne glasses.
Eat and Sleep – Take care of yourself in the weeks leading up to the wedding. Nothing can make a bride and groom more jittery than trying to pull off a wedding while tired and hungry.


Calm bride during her wedding
Calm bride before her big wedding day


Stay in Touch With Your Groom – Allow the groom to be an active part of the planning process and don’t allow it to interfere with you spending time together. Short breaks from the wedding plans for romantic dinners or even just together time in front of the TV will help to keep you focused on why you are doing this in the first place.
Talk it Out – If you do suddenly feel waves of panic about your decision, understand that it is perfectly normal. Talk with your fiancée about those feelings or even with family and friends. With some insight, you’ll quickly realize that you are not the first bride to ever get cold feet, and that you will likely go on a have a wonderful marriage with the man of your dreams.


Take a Day Off – Jump in the car and head to the beach, the mountains or even the spa. The wedding will still go on as planned even if you take a day off from it once in a while.


Keep a Sense of Humor – There will be bumps in the road as you plan a wedding, but if you are flexible and keep your sense of humor, they should not stress you out. Planning a wedding is a pre-cursor to learning the key element of a healthy marriage – compromise.

From picking out and filling your silk wedding invitation boxes to the moment when you ride off into the sunset, you will be facing hundreds of choices about your wedding day. Just keep in mind that the biggest decision was already made when you said yes to the proposal, and that the rest is just the icing on the wedding cake.

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