How to Use Invitation Inserts to Your Advantage

It’s not over yet.

Just because you’ve picked out your wedding invitation, it doesn’t mean you’re finished and ready to tackle the next item on your wedding to-do list.

A luxury invitation, whether for a wedding or a gala, has many components you must consider, and some say that the most of important of these is the invitation insert.

The invitation inserts serve two purposes. First they help you with your planning. You’re going to want to know how many people to expect at your wedding, not only for seating, but especially for food and drinks.

Inserts also help your guests, especially if they are from out of town. With a little forethought, you can have your guests feeling comfortable navigating their way around an unfamiliar city or area.

Wedding response cards, also known as the RSVP, are a must for your invitation inserts. This is your first line of communication with your guests, and because you’ve included a self-addressed pre stamped envelope for the response card, you’ve made responding ever so easy.

Directions are critical for guests, especially if your wedding is being held in an area where GPS is less than accurate, or if your guests are not inclined to program destinations into their phones. A map is nice visual, and you can create one that includes points of interest as well, which is a nice consideration for guests who may arrive a day or two early.

If your guests do plan to arrive a day or two early or spend the night on the day of your wedding, they’ll appreciate any information you can provide on accommodations in your area. This is especially true if you can recommend unique boutique hotels or bed and breakfast accommodations. Your personal recommendation may make your guests feel all the more welcome.

If you’re planning a meal for your guests, you may want to consider dietary restrictions when setting up that fajita bar or dessert bar. Vegan guests won’t be enthralled with strip of sizzling beef and chicken, but they will appreciate the grilled vegetables that go with fajitas. It’s always nice to offer a sugar-free option at the dessert bar for guests who limit or prohibit sugar consumption.

Include a dietary restriction or preference card with the other wedding invitation inserts.

And finally, once you know what you’re sending with your wedding invitation. it’s time to select the invitation inserts to house everything. Inserts covered with luxury fabrics like silk and velvet are the right choice to showcase the planning and forethought you’ve put into making your wedding planning and guests’ comfort.

Before you know it, it will be time to check wedding invitations off your list and move on to cake tasting.

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