Spa Packages Your Bridesmaids will Adore

It’s time to celebrate your besties, the women who have encouraged you, laughed and cried with you, and helped you become who you are today.

It’s time for girls’ day, and you can help your bridesmaids enjoy their time with you by giving everyone a relaxing few hours at the spa. Imagine getting together to drop the stresses and worries that come with planning a wedding. Just thinking about spending time luxuriating in massages and facials can be exhilarating.

Before booking your reservations at the spa, do a bit of preplanning; get your girls so awesome spa packaging gifts that they can enjoy while with you as well as other times.

If you are going big (literally), order large cotton bags for each of your bridesmaids. You want a bag big enough to hold a large fluffy bath sheet, a stainless steel water bottle and some amazing body lotion or butter. Pop a pair of pretty shower sandals in each bag and you’re set! Smaller spa packaging can include essentials like toiletries, make up and sun screen.

You and your bridesmaids may have opted for something other than the spa. For example, if you chose to get manis and pedis, place a bottle of nail polish in one of your wedding colors in each bag for your bridesmaids — be sure to consider metallic glitter polishes, too. You can place other small gifts in the cotton or silk bag, such as chocolates, candles and even fancy hair clips.

We know that not everyone relaxes by doing nothing. Some of the best times for releasing pre-wedding stress are those courageous adrenaline adventures that help you create even greater bonds with each other. They are character building retreats that inspire and invigorate, and they too can be commemorated with spa packaging gifts you have selected.

Zip-lining? No problem. Give the gift of sunnies and sunscreen. Kayaking? Gotcha covered with unsinkable key fobs perfect for water adventures. If you are headed out for a favorite hike, opt for LED flashlights or compasses.

Cotton bags and silk bags alike have their place when you celebrate your bridesmaids. Rely on your theme and what type of relaxation you have planned to guide you in the type of gift bag you need.

Don’t forget to add the glitzy glamour to your spa packaging. Silver, rose gold and especially gold are trending upward in weddings, so look for ways to incorporate these metallics. Consider embroidering those cotton bags in metallic threads and attach a gold silk tassel to the zipper pull. Fasten a silver or golden brooch to silk bags for added panache that coordinates with your dream wedding.

Whether you spend your time together at a spa, a salon or doing something else all together, you can show your bridesmaids how much you appreciate them by providing simple and ordinary gifts of special spa packaging.

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