6 Mistakes You Should Never Make When Planning Your Wedding

There is a lot that goes into planning a wedding, from choosing the right dresses to finding an affordable caterer. With so many choices to make, there is little doubt that you are going to make a mistake or two along the way. Some will be small mistakes, like forgetting your something blue, while others could ruin the entire day if you are not quick to fix them. To avoid the extra headache of additional planning to make a big fix, avoid making these 6 big mistakes from the get go:

Inviting More Guests Than You Can Afford – It can be easy to get caught in the moment and start ordering luxury wedding invitation boxes for every person you and your groom have ever known, but think about what will happen if they all say yes. Know what your catering budget is per person and don’t go above that number. Sure people are going to decline, but others are also going to ask if they can bring along a guest. For those people that you can’t invite but still want them to know about your marriage plans anyway, you can fill the wedding invitation box with a wedding announcement instead.

Guests at a wedding party

Sending out the Invitation Boxes Too Late – Not only do you want your guests to have plenty of time to make plans to attend your wedding, you want the extra time to send out additional invitations if you receive too many declines. Plus, the earlier you know who is coming, the sooner you can make your table plans and order your place cards.

Asking a Bridesmaid (or your Mother) to be the Go Between for You and Your Wedding Planner – Set aside time to make your wishes known to your wedding planner and to touch base personally at least once a week as the date approaches. Having someone else stand in for you is just going to lead to decisions being made that are not what you envisioned.

Ordering Your Dress Too Small – Even if you are dieting around the clock, you never want to order your dress a size or two smaller in anticipation of losing weight. It is much easier to take a dress in if you do meet your weight loss goal than it is to have to take one out.

Letting Bridesmaids Choose Their Own Dresses – Allow your bridal party to have input about the type of dress and style you choose, but for the sake of cohesiveness, you should have the last word on the bridesmaid’s dresses. Even if you are allowing them to individualize, the dresses should all be of the same color scheme and basic style.

Last Minute Panic Attacks – Planning a wedding can seem like trying to manage a three ring circus. To ensure that you are able to enjoy those last few weeks of single-hood, delegate whatever details you can, and let your wedding planner do their job. If you spend too much time obsessing over the small stuff, you won’t enjoy the big event when it finally arrives.

Making any one of these mistakes can completely throw your wedding off track and cause unnecessary stress and extra planning to fix. Avoid these mistakes and your event will look and feel exactly the way you always dreamed it would.

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