You Received a Luxury Quince Invitation So Now What

After coming home at the end of a long day, you grab the mail and begin sorting through it. Bills, maybe some flyers . . . what – what’s this?

You hold in your hands a large mailing envelope. Noting the return address you raise one eyebrow quizzically, but when you open the envelope and out slides a couture blushing pink silk folio embellished with cream-colored satin ribbon and a rhinestone tiara, your look of puzzlement turns to a smile.

You’ve received a luxury quince invitation. So now what?

Open it! Inside the folio, you’ll find most everything you need, including the luxury quince invitation itself, the RSVP card and mailing envelope, and possibly advice for out-of-town guests if you are a long way from where the celebration mass (if applicable) and the party will take place.

Once you commit to attending the quince, you’re probably wondering what to expect.

Take a gift

A quince is a birthday party, so a birthday gift is always appropriate.

Favorite quince gifts include Bibles, crosses and other religious memorabilia. That’s because the quince is, in part, a religious celebration designed to reaffirm the celebrant’s commitment to God and to family.

The quince is also a coming of age party, so gift accordingly. For some girls, this may be the first time they will be allowed to wear make-up, shorter dresses and big jewelry.

Those exotic chandelier earrings you thought about giving the birthday girl? Perfect!

Attend the mass

The mass will be a formal religious celebration held in the birthday girl’s honor, but it’s not a sacrament. He mass is an opportunity for the Quinceanera to reaffirm her faith and allegiance to God in preparation of becoming a confident woman. She likely had to take at least on class in preparation for her big day.

The quinceanera also is allowed to choose her escort, the chambelan de honor, and her royal court who will accompany her and her parents at the mass and later at the party.

Take your gift to the mass, where the priest will bless the gifts.

Enjoy the party

You can count reliably on two things at any quince: music and food.

The quinceanera and her court, along with her padrinos, selected the music and chose the menu. It’s likely that you’ll be invited to dance after the quinceanera dances with her father, and it’s unlikely that you’ll leave hungry.

Relish the evening, spend some time talking to the quinceanera and her family, and you’ll soon be looking forward to your next invitation.

And that gorgeous luxury quince invitation at home? Like the dress worn by the quinceanera, it’s too well made and too beautiful to throw away. Place it in a big keepsake box; it’s likely to be the first of many more luxury quince invitations to come.

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