The 6 Times in Life When You Need Luxury Couture Invitiations

Getting an invitation in the mail — or by personal delivery — can make a person’s day.

There’s something special about opening the mailing box and pulling out an invitation. Within the invitation box lies a luxury couture invitation, the kind that doesn’t arrive often, but when it does, it announces that something fantastic lies on the horizon.

Luxury couture invitations mark the most important events in your life, and you’ll want to invite your guests to your celebrations with these invitations at least six times in your life.

Quinceañera or Sweet Sixteen

You will celebrate your Quince or Sweet Sixteen birthday parties only once in your life. Handcrafted luxury couture invitations like the sumptuous Ivory Velvet Quinceañera Invitation Box sets the standard for sending invitations.

These invitations mark a woman’s entrance into the social world, and they should establish her status accordingly.


Every woman dreams of her wedding day. It’s a moment wrought in both traditional and contemporary trends, but one thing has remained a constant over time, and that’s using premiere wedding invitations.

Your invitations establish your new life as a couple, so invited guests appreciate unique invitations that reveal your tastes.

Baby Shower/Birth of a Child

Coming of age and getting married, as significant as they are, take a back seat to the miracle of having a child.

Mark this occasion by sending your guests luxury couture invitations that have been personalized for the arrival of your child.

Special Anniversaries

Every anniversary is a milestone, but there are some that are more special than others. Which ones you celebrate with guests is up to you. Most people prefer to mark their tenth, fifteenth, twentieth and twenty-fifth anniversaries. You’ll want to send luxury invitations to your guests for these anniversaries, but think ahead to your fortieth and fiftieth anniversaries — and beyond.

Your guests will be more likely to attend your celebration if you identify it as something very special. The way to do that is by using handcrafted luxury invitations.

Gala Events

You can count on receiving premiere invitations for big gala events. These are gallery openings, philanthropic dinners and other special entertainment venues that call for the finest in invitations.

Use these invitations for the events you host, too.


Completing a lifetime in a career is is big deal, and your retirement celebration is one to cherish. You worked hard and sacrificed to reach this momentous occasion. Your guests deserve the ultimate in luxury invitations, and this is the time to pull out the stops to mark the next stage in your life.

Luxury couture invitations announce the most important events in your life. Premiere invitations handcrafted in exotic silk or velvet can be a distinct expression of your taste and style.

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